On February 10, 2022, an online meeting of faculty from Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU) and two young scientists from Iran – Abdolhossein Hemmati-Sarapardeh, PhD, Shahid
Bahonar University of Kerman, project PI and Fahime Hadavimoghaddam, Ph.D, Gubkin National University of Oil and Gas, member of the research team was organized and held.
Abdolhossein submitted research project “Integrating nanotechnology and surfactant flooding for enhanced oil recovery: Experimental measurement and intelligent modeling” to the competition and won a special award “Cutting-edge Research and Innovation.”
The goal of this meeting was to present research and discuss the perspectives of research collaboration. Nine KNRTU faculty participated in this meeting, including Alexander Kopylov, Vice Rector for Research, D.Sc., professor of the Department of General Chemical Technology and corresponding member of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (TAS), Nataliya Bashkirtseva, head of the Department of Chemical Technology of Petroleum and Gas Processing (CTPGP), D.Sc., professor, other CTPGP faculty and PhD students. KNRTU experts were impressed with Abdolhossein education and experience and expressed interest in collaboration. The participants exchanged ideas, information, and contacts.