Elvin Akhadov is CEO of Gas Industry journal, co-founder of the Young Scientists Awards and author of the competition concept and design. The III scientific and practical seminar on offshore oil and gas was organized and held at Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC on April 6-7, 2022. During his presentation, Elvin Akhadov spoke about young scientists’ research projects, collaboration with members of the academic and business communities on promotion of young scientists’ research and invited young researchers to participate in the Fifth Jubilee International Competition.
Darya Maksakova is senior researcher in the department of complex and regional energy problems at Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She participated in this competition twice. In 2018, Darya received special award “High Potential Scientist” – participation in the 15th Conference of The Northeast Asian Gas and Pipeline Forum (NAGPF), where she presented her research work. In 2021, Darya was awarded a one-month internship at NIIgazeconomika LLC. This internship was extended to two months. Moreover, Darya was engaged in the institute’s current projects on her research topic in the lab in Irkutsk.
Alexander Serovaiskii is a PhD holder and associate professor and senior researcher in the department of physics and deputy director of the Center for Science Education at National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University.” At the 2021 competition, Alexander won a special award “A Bridge to the Future” as the principal investigator of the joint research project by National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University” and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, “The Role of Natural Gas in the Development of the Global Power Industry” in the nomination category “Decarbonization for the Oil and Gas Industry.”
In March 2022, Alexander attended the international conference for students, PhD students, young scientists and specialists in Ukhta. Alexander gave a presentation about his research at the plenary session.
This conference was organized by Ukhta State Technical University (USTU.) Self-regulated Organization “Association of Gas and Oil Complex Builders” provided organizational and financial support for conference participation.
Sun Zhe, the People’s Republic of China, is a PhD holder, reservoir engineer at the CNOOC Research Institute Co., Ltd., Technology Research & Development Center. Sun Zhe submitted her research project “The Theory Exploration and Practice Research of a Novel Self-adaptive Microgel Flooding Technology” to the 2021 competition and won third place.
On March 10, 2022, Sun Zhe gave a presentation about her research at the Gazprom Neft Science and Technology Center (Gazpromneft STC LLC) scientific and practical seminar. The participants included STC staff and representatives of the partner universities. During the discussion, the participants expressed interest in this research and noted the practical significance of research results.
On February 7, 2022, Vasily Pisarev and Nikolay Konratyuk, member of his research team, presented their research project at the meeting with staff of the Gazprom Neft Science and Technology Center (Gazpromneft STC.) The goal of this meeting was to establish contacts and discuss the perspectives of research collaboration. STC experts noted that this is a cutting-edge research that has clear practical significance.
On March 21, 2022, young scientists also presented their study at the Gazprom Neft Science and Technology Center (Gazpromneft STC LLC) scientific and practical seminar. The participants included STC staff and representatives of the partner universities.
Vasily Pisarev is head of lab at the Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, PhD in Physics and Mathematics. He won first place in the 2021 competition.
On February 10, 2022, an online meeting of faculty from Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU) and two young scientists from Iran – Abdolhossein Hemmati-Sarapardeh, PhD, Shahid
Bahonar University of Kerman, project PI and Fahime Hadavimoghaddam, Ph.D, Gubkin National University of Oil and Gas, member of the research team was organized and held.
Abdolhossein submitted research project “Integrating nanotechnology and surfactant flooding for enhanced oil recovery: Experimental measurement and intelligent modeling” to the competition and won a special award “Cutting-edge Research and Innovation.”
The goal of this meeting was to present research and discuss the perspectives of research collaboration. Nine KNRTU faculty participated in this meeting, including Alexander Kopylov, Vice Rector for Research, D.Sc., professor of the Department of General Chemical Technology and corresponding member of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (TAS), Nataliya Bashkirtseva, head of the Department of Chemical Technology of Petroleum and Gas Processing (CTPGP), D.Sc., professor, other CTPGP faculty and PhD students. KNRTU experts were impressed with Abdolhossein education and experience and expressed interest in collaboration. The participants exchanged ideas, information, and contacts.
Special Issue # 1, 2022:
Special Issue # 1, 2022: