Applications will be accepted in all areas of oil and gas research, including but not limited to the following:

International scientific collaboration and applications from joint research teams of young scientists from different countries and/or with the participation of foreign scientists are encouraged.
Partner of the nomination “New Materials, Structures and Solutions for Effective Production and Transportation of Hydrocarbons.”
Award: 3-4-month internship at TMK’s R&D Centre in Skolkovo, including 2-3 visits to company plants.
Special award “International R&D Collaboration”
Special award: “Best Paper Award” for the well-written, clearly structured, and referenced research project and/or “Research Publication Award” for the highest number of publications in peer-reviewed journals.
A complimentary one-year subscription to and paper publication in Gas Industry Journal.
- Research promotion within the academic and business communities, including assistance in establishing and developing research collaborations with universities, research institutes and centers, and companies, above all IBC members;
- Internships at leading energy companies, above all, IBC members;
- Presentations by young scientists about their research at IBC committee meetings, academic and industry events;
- All-expense paid trips to scientific events (forums and conferences) and short-term travel to visit a particular lab or an institution to meet with colleagues and develop or enhance research collaborations;
- Certificates, prizes and gifts;
- Publication in and a one-year complimentary subscription to Gas Industry Journal, etc.
All winners will be invited to attend the Awards Ceremony that will be organized as part of the 11th St. Petersburg International Gas Forum (SPIGF 2022) in September 2022, where they will be provided with the opportunity to participate in all SPIGF activities and events during three days of the Forum.
For detailed information, please see complete competition announcement – the Request for Applications (RFA).
Additional information and support: site@gifaward.com
Application Submission Instructions
— A researcher / a research team of scientists of up to 35 years of age from any country.
— A principle investigator (PI) or a team member, who made significant contribution to the research.
— Required: proficiency in English; an institutional approval and a letter of support from a supervisor.
— Research must be clearly and directly related to the oil and gas industry and include innovative technologies and solutions.
— Type of Research: basic and applied.
— Applications may include previous research accomplishments, may be a continuation of previous or current research or propose new research and/or applied research solutions.
— Research may address global issues and challenges, respond to urgent operational needs or develop new technology or solutions, etc.
— Applications must be prepared in English and submitted through the competition website.
All applications are subjected to a technical review process by scientific and industry experts – subject matter experts (SMEs.) Award decisions are made by the Jury based on the results of the peer review and reviewers’ recommendations.